May 6th, 2020 Book Recommendations

Tell Us About It!

People are using this time in a lot of different ways, and many of us are reading more than ever. I'm using the time to catch up on books I've been meaning to read, but I've noticed that some other people are reading old books again. Sometimes reading old favorites can make us feel comforted and cozy. Reading new things can make us feel excited and energized. No matter which types of books you  choose, reading is a great way to pass the time. 

What Are You Reading? 

I love reading, and I love talking about books almost as much as I love reading. Introducing people to books and sharing my favorite stories, authors, and illustrators is one of my favorite things. I get to do this all the time at school, and am hoping to continue to introduce you to new things (and remind you of well loved old favorites) on this page. But wouldn't it be great if you all could share what you are reading with your friends and families? Well, Ms. Cohen and I think it would be so cool if there was a place that we could post all of our book recommendations and tell our community about the books we're loving right now! 

Shout It Out!

If you'd like to share what books your family is reading, please fill out our Book Recommendation form. You can share as many books as you want! Your grownups can share too! I will create a website where we list all of our book recommendations and post it here and on our main website. You could also send me a book recommendation video, art work, letter, or anything else you'd like to do!

I can't wait to hear what you're reading!


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